A márka története egy utazás, Franciaország és Olaszország között. Egy út, amelynek a kezdete a 80-as években gyökerezik. Sikerük alapvető elemei a kézi gyártási folyamatokban végzett alapos gondosság és az anyagok feldolgozása iránti figyelem. 2010-ben a tapéta piacon negyven éves tapasztalattal rendelkező olasz Salvi család megszerezte a TEXAM tulajdonjogát, és egyértelműen az olasz designban értelmezte a márkafilozófiát. A részletek kidolgozottsága, a luxus kialakítása, a gondos kivitelezés és az anyagok ünneplése, három szóval, Made in Italy. 25 féle kollekciójukban hagyományos, digitális és lézer nyomtatási technikát alkalmaznak.
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Nyomott mintás vlies gyapjúrost erősítésű papír tapéták
Kőhatású csillámpala, vlies, textil és üveggyöngyös tapéták.
Klasszikus nyomott mintázatú textil tapéták. Bambusz sisal és kőhatású csillámpala anyagú tapéták vlies gyapjúrost erősítésű hátlapon. Klasszikus és modern mintázatú textil tapéták.
Kapcsolódás - az anyag és részecskék kapcsolata. A változók és valószínűségek e bonyolult képe nemcsak a tudomány egyik ágát képviseli, hanem határtalan inspirációt is jelent. A kvantumfizikára jellemző állandó mozgás koncepciója olyan mintákban ölt testet, amelyek az optikai illúzióval játszanak, az anyag, velúr szálak játékossága folyamatos mozgás érzetét keltik a falburkolat felületén.
4 különböző mintázat - finom, tapintható, simítható velúr felület

A Mystic Forest egy olyan kollekció, amely eleganciát és kifinomultságot visz a terekbe. Az árnyékok és levelek egymást átfedő játékai misztikus és pihentető hangulatot teremtenek. A bambusz Ázsiában őshonos fűféle, évelő, örökzöld növény. A kínai nyelvben a "kívánni" szóra asszociál, így motívumait előszeretettel használják a jókívánságok kifejezésére. A bambusz a legyőzhetetlenség szimbóluma a keleti kultúrákban.

Fedezze fel a Mystic Forest kollekciót, amelyet a természet tiszta szépsége ihletett.

Ez a kollekció érdekel

Tervezése a múltból merít ihletet, ugyanakkor több évszázad után is időtálló és aktuális.

A Föld ásványvilágára épül a kollekció mind design és színek tekintetében. Ásványos és csillogó, természetes és modern - folyamatos egyensúlykeresés az innováció és a hagyomány, a modern és az ősi, maradandó között. A lézernyomás révén a szatén felületen változatos és struktúrált felületek színváltozása ad egyfajta  játékosságot, akár egy kaméleon, amely jól alkalmazkodik és formálódik a különböző stílusú környezethez, színekhez.

Ez a kollekció érdekel
Térélmény - fenntartható fali dekoráció A SUSTAINABLE kollekcióját a környezettudatosság, fenntarthatóság és a természet vezérelte. Légáteresztő anyaga üvegszövetből; ökológiai, mert a természetet tiszteletben tartó anyagokból készült. Struktúrájában nagyon hasonlít a legfinomabb fűszövet falburkolatokhoz, ugyanakkor a hordozófelület maga az üvegszövet. A kollekció 4 féle mintában és 10 változatos színben elérhető.

Természetes színek, organikus alapanyagból – len gyűjtemény. Egyszerűen lenyűgöző.

Linum gyűjtemény – gyűrt, organikus len
Ramiè gyűjtemény  – sűrű szövésű len, finom tapintású gyönyörű burkolati hatást nyújt

Cocoon is a collection that wraps yoi in a warm embrace with its organic texture. Inspired by the metamorphoses of nature and the texture of raw fabrics, the collection offers a wide selection of introspective and regenerating coverings. Cocoon collection draws the viewer into a slumber dimension with vegetal traits, proposing a palette with polar hues that invites to explore all the dephts of our ego, the inner ones connectes to nature and organic life. The surface demands to be discovered and caressed with a delicate touch of hand. The outward appearance is reminescent of bark or rough woven fabric taking care of every detail, for an unexpectedly delicate and enachanting result.

Online collection’s material celebrates the architectural structure of nature, combined with a wide range of arm colors, that pushes its way up to blues and boreal greens, revealing iridescent shades when hit by light. The multiple press passes of quartz give the texture a marked 3d effect, recalling and displaying the marble processing. The thicknessin relief and the metallic veining stand out in a play of lights and shadows, able to create a unique serie, connected to our most current and, at the same time, primordial beats.   

Lux is a name with two meanings: light and luxury. Light, because the design and colours can vary, shimmer, or reflect depending on how the light changes. Luxury, because the collection displays a great richness and splendour that meet the ambition and pride of those who can see beyond frontiers. In graphic and material terms, Lux plays a primary role in creating a wall that becomes vibrant and alive. The use of high-quality technology makes it possible to appreciate metamorphoses similar to those that are also found in nature, where it is easy to come across surprising graphical displays of colour.

Identity is a fundamental element for recognising the personality, taste, and spirit of every person. ID is a collection of images in a variety of colours and graphical solutions. Some of them adapt to a modern taste by using decisive colours; others refer to our basic, collective imagination with a stylistic mix that has many different facets. One of the main features of the ID collection is its use of different underlying materials that interpret the overlaid image and combine with it. This multiple stylistic approach to the designs makes it possible to use classical images in modern settings, or vice-versa. The overall effect of these images and colours inspires the interior designer to create personalised environments.

Ez a kollekció érdekel

Lose yourself inside intimate and precious atmospheres and wander with your mind through fascinating natural landscapes and poetic geometries. The ancient Japanese art of the Kimono manufacture is the point of origin of the collection, which pays tribute to it with precious materials and detailed avant-garde workmanship, leaving the material beauty of Kata to bloom. Autumnal forests and hypnotic spirals, snowstorms and strong lines: discover the Kata collection and let yourself be enchanted by exotic designs and colors.

Ez a kollekció érdekel

The Ambient wallpaper will enchant you with each of its patterns for the incredible ability to convey to the eyes the organicity, the naturalness and the charm of the ancient fabrics, to which the whole collection of coverings is inspired. A poetic collection in which soft colors and refined designs intertwine, revealing a silent elegance that gives warm and enveloping atmospheres to any environment, seducing even casual observers. Simplicity and pleasure come together in a spell to offer a type of luxury in line with the minimalist trend of the moment.

Ez a kollekció érdekel

Tracing the fascination of ancient woven it comes to life a poetic collection that will give a warm and enveloping atmosphere to your ambiences. The interlace of soft colors and refined designs reveal a silent elegance that will seduce even a casual observer.

Lino collection will enchant you even for its incredible ability to convey an organic and natural perception of the product. Candor and simplicity come together to taste and flair, to offer a type of luxury in line with the minimal trend of the moment. Ez a kollekció érdekel

A new concept of elegance is redesigned by this collection that draw its charm from a raw semplicity, harking back to a style purely essential.

Geometric shapes printed in 3d are combined whit natural colors , remaind nuance of the desert color or different shade of sky. A light luminescent touch like a sunshine ray it seems touch the wall The thin expression through the clean shape it’s the soul of Elemnt collection The references to ethnic craftsmanship impregnate the decorations in a play of lines and geometries that enhances the subtlety of simplicity, and the vast range of hues and colors available for each of the patterns makes Raphia the ideal collection to enhance the intrinsic beauty of any environment and style. Ez a kollekció érdekel

The desire of being surrounded by uncontaminated nature, of reliving heroic deeds and of recalling ancient prints of the past.

The Macro collection has been created with the ambition of constantly evoking fascinating emotions day by day, offering a new collection of avant-garde wall covering, manufactured with a sophisticated technology, maintaining however the original value of the image proposed, giving the impression of an artistic engraving made by hand. Every colour present in the MACRO collection has been carefully selected in order to match perfectly with the image itself and to offer a harmonic set of chromatic values, suitable for a great variety of projects of interior decoration. Macro is an innovative collection of wall covering, unique of its kind, developed for a very specific purpose; offering the opportunity to create a luxurious atmosphere of exclusiveness. Ez a kollekció érdekel

SMOOTH AS … HARD AS … Metalsilk is an authentic and unique Collection in its genre. It reminds the brightness of the metal, the roughness of the raw stone and the kaleidoscope’s geometry, highlighting spaces and creating new surfaces. To light up and give a distinctive sign to the ambient.

Ez a kollekció érdekel

FORCE OF NATURE It’s a collection inspired by the Nature itself and by the power of the warm and embracing colors of the Desert, the Earth, the Sand but also of the Ice and Snow. It is like if this Collection were born from the blow of the Wind that shapes the dune of the Desert and that gives birth to the canyon. So, here, have born veins and natural lines that give a sense of continuity and then they meet in geometries and damasks, as in a culture’s crossroad. The 7 Colors and the 7 designs, together with the sensational “touch” effect and the reflection of the light, enrich this Collection, perfect for whom desires to have a touch of naturalness in the ambience.

Ez a kollekció érdekel

The fusion of natural elements has brought the result of perceiving something familiar and recognizable, with classical and contemporary contents . And this allows Alkimia to be what it is. Alkimia is directly inspired by the vegetal fibers and has a style mark that reproduces the embossed metals. The structure of the designs allows the light to generate variable intensities of the design, chromatic changes, and the perception of a materiality that makes the wall alive.

Ez a kollekció érdekel

Discreet colors and minimal motifs are the trademark of Cinetic, the Texam Home collection designed to furnish any environment discreetly with an unmistakable touch, thanks to the eclecticism that distinguishes it.

It is the style that reflects the identity in the roots of the individual, leaving it to emerge bursting through the noble patterns that make up the collection. Ez a kollekció érdekel

ALL THAT IS TRUE DOES NOT CHANGE IN ITS SUBSTANCE The past that merges with the present is a characteristic in today’s culture and Noble collection is constituted by a modern reinterpretation of classic references deeply rooted in time. All that is worth reappears regularly renewed keeping within its individual nature.

Ez a kollekció érdekel

The great technical experience of Texam Home emerges disruptive in Raphia, the collection that most of all manipulates the structure of the yarns to give life to simple, yet wonderfully evocative patterns.

The references to ethnic craftsmanship impregnate the decorations in a play of lines and geometries that enhances the subtlety of simplicity, and the vast range of hues and colors available for each of the patterns makes Raphia the ideal collection to enhance the intrinsic beauty of any environment and style. Ez a kollekció érdekel

The Raw collection is inspired by natural fabrics and it is made with original and extremely sophisticated techniques. The motifs that stand out in Raw wall coverings are the modern interpretation of antique decorations and impact scenarios, while the panels are digital reproductions of hand-painted works of art. The colors of the natural fibers, such as hemp, linen and jute, are mixed with new and trendy colors to give a unique style to the collection.

Ez a kollekció érdekel

Another world. Inspired just from submerged lands, that hide shapes and colors, matter that is not available in the world. It is the source of inspiration from where REEF was created.

REEF is a revolutionary collection both under the technical profile and aesthetical aspect. It has been possible to confer it the tactile and the visual appearance of the corals. In this way, we carried out, as decorative tool, a texture product, organic and natural. The designs are an essential contamination, a stylistic way to make familiar the decoration and to create variables. The coloring is basically influenced by the colors that pour out only in certain depths, with the various forms of static life of this other world. Ez a kollekció érdekel

An invitation to touching the simplicity of the light, just where the matter takes space in the shadow. An essential energy to caress and to share over the time. Because for a man, live the simplicity doesn’t mean to live the emptiness. With its wide range of colors and, unique and valued designs, TOUCH is a contemporary collection that perfectly espouses itself with a people-oriented Interior Design. We can easily imagine it, dressed both in a public or in a private, classical or modern, large or tiny place. Whatever is the place, TOUCH will tie with harmony, accuracy and strictness to every formal or informal space. TOUCH is the result of a decennial technical research of materials, facilitated by the consolidated and hand-crafted production experience and by a marked aesthetical sensitivity that, daily, blend together to give new avant-garde solutions, without compromising the high-level and rare quality, that you can perceive and live.

Ez a kollekció érdekel
Kapcsolódás - az anyag és részecskék kapcsolata. A változók és valószínűségek e bonyolult képe nemcsak a tudomány egyik ágát képviseli, hanem határtalan inspirációt is jelent. A kvantumfizikára jellemző állandó mozgás koncepciója olyan mintákban ölt testet, amelyek az optikai illúzióval játszanak, az anyag, velúr szálak játékossága folyamatos mozgás érzetét keltik a falburkolat felületén. 4 különböző mintázat - finom, tapintható, simítható velúr felület Ez a kollekció érdekel Mintázatok megtekintése a gyártó oldalán
A Mystic Forest egy olyan kollekció, amely eleganciát és kifinomultságot visz a terekbe. Az árnyékok és levelek egymást átfedő játékai misztikus és pihentető hangulatot teremtenek. A bambusz Ázsiában őshonos fűféle, évelő, örökzöld növény. A kínai nyelvben a "kívánni" szóra asszociál, így motívumait előszeretettel használják a jókívánságok kifejezésére. A bambusz a legyőzhetetlenség szimbóluma a keleti kultúrákban. Fedezze fel a Mystic Forest kollekciót, amelyet a természet tiszta szépsége ihletett. Ez a kollekció érdekel Mintázatok megtekintése a gyártó oldalán
Tervezése a múltból merít ihletet, ugyanakkor több évszázad után is időtálló és aktuális. A Föld ásványvilágára épül a kollekció mind design és színek tekintetében. Ásványos és csillogó, természetes és modern - folyamatos egyensúlykeresés az innováció és a hagyomány, a modern és az ősi, maradandó között. A lézernyomás révén a szatén felületen változatos és struktúrált felületek színváltozása ad egyfajta  játékosságot, akár egy kaméleon, amely jól alkalmazkodik és formálódik a különböző stílusú környezethez, színekhez. Ez a kollekció érdekel Mintázatok megtekintése a gyártó oldalán
Térélmény - fenntartható fali dekoráció A SUSTAINABLE kollekcióját a környezettudatosság, fenntarthatóság és a természet vezérelte. Légáteresztő anyaga üvegszövetből; ökológiai, mert a természetet tiszteletben tartó anyagokból készült. Struktúrájában nagyon hasonlít a legfinomabb fűszövet falburkolatokhoz, ugyanakkor a hordozófelület maga az üvegszövet. A kollekció 4 féle mintában és 10 változatos színben elérhető. Ez a kollekció érdekel Mintázatok megtekintése a gyártó oldalán
Természetes színek, organikus alapanyagból – len gyűjtemény. Egyszerűen lenyűgöző. Linum gyűjtemény – gyűrt, organikus len Ramiè gyűjtemény  – sűrű szövésű len, finom tapintású gyönyörű burkolati hatást nyújt Ez a kollekció érdekel Mintázatok megtekintése a gyártó oldalán
Cocoon is a collection that wraps yoi in a warm embrace with its organic texture. Inspired by the metamorphoses of nature and the texture of raw fabrics, the collection offers a wide selection of introspective and regenerating coverings. Cocoon collection draws the viewer into a slumber dimension with vegetal traits, proposing a palette with polar hues that invites to explore all the dephts of our ego, the inner ones connectes to nature and organic life. The surface demands to be discovered and caressed with a delicate touch of hand. The outward appearance is reminescent of bark or rough woven fabric taking care of every detail, for an unexpectedly delicate and enachanting result. Ez a kollekció érdekel Mintázatok megtekintése a gyártó oldalán
Online collection’s material celebrates the architectural structure of nature, combined with a wide range of arm colors, that pushes its way up to blues and boreal greens, revealing iridescent shades when hit by light. The multiple press passes of quartz give the texture a marked 3d effect, recalling and displaying the marble processing. The thicknessin relief and the metallic veining stand out in a play of lights and shadows, able to create a unique serie, connected to our most current and, at the same time, primordial beats. Ez a kollekció érdekel    Mintázatok megtekintése a gyártó oldalán
Lux is a name with two meanings: light and luxury. Light, because the design and colours can vary, shimmer, or reflect depending on how the light changes. Luxury, because the collection displays a great richness and splendour that meet the ambition and pride of those who can see beyond frontiers. In graphic and material terms, Lux plays a primary role in creating a wall that becomes vibrant and alive. The use of high-quality technology makes it possible to appreciate metamorphoses similar to those that are also found in nature, where it is easy to come across surprising graphical displays of colour. Ez a kollekció érdekel Mintázatok megtekintése a gyártó oldalán
Identity is a fundamental element for recognising the personality, taste, and spirit of every person. ID is a collection of images in a variety of colours and graphical solutions. Some of them adapt to a modern taste by using decisive colours; others refer to our basic, collective imagination with a stylistic mix that has many different facets. One of the main features of the ID collection is its use of different underlying materials that interpret the overlaid image and combine with it. This multiple stylistic approach to the designs makes it possible to use classical images in modern settings, or vice-versa. The overall effect of these images and colours inspires the interior designer to create personalised environments. Ez a kollekció érdekel Mintázatok megtekintése a gyártó oldalán
Lose yourself inside intimate and precious atmospheres and wander with your mind through fascinating natural landscapes and poetic geometries. The ancient Japanese art of the Kimono manufacture is the point of origin of the collection, which pays tribute to it with precious materials and detailed avant-garde workmanship, leaving the material beauty of Kata to bloom. Autumnal forests and hypnotic spirals, snowstorms and strong lines: discover the Kata collection and let yourself be enchanted by exotic designs and colors. Ez a kollekció érdekel Mintázatok megtekintése a gyártó oldalán
The Ambient wallpaper will enchant you with each of its patterns for the incredible ability to convey to the eyes the organicity, the naturalness and the charm of the ancient fabrics, to which the whole collection of coverings is inspired. A poetic collection in which soft colors and refined designs intertwine, revealing a silent elegance that gives warm and enveloping atmospheres to any environment, seducing even casual observers. Simplicity and pleasure come together in a spell to offer a type of luxury in line with the minimalist trend of the moment. Ez a kollekció érdekel Mintázatok megtekintése a gyártó oldalán
Tracing the fascination of ancient woven it comes to life a poetic collection that will give a warm and enveloping atmosphere to your ambiences. The interlace of soft colors and refined designs reveal a silent elegance that will seduce even a casual observer. Lino collection will enchant you even for its incredible ability to convey an organic and natural perception of the product. Candor and simplicity come together to taste and flair, to offer a type of luxury in line with the minimal trend of the moment. Ez a kollekció érdekel Mintázatok megtekintése a gyártó oldalán
A new concept of elegance is redesigned by this collection that draw its charm from a raw semplicity, harking back to a style purely essential. Geometric shapes printed in 3d are combined whit natural colors , remaind nuance of the desert color or different shade of sky. A light luminescent touch like a sunshine ray it seems touch the wall The thin expression through the clean shape it’s the soul of Elemnt collection The references to ethnic craftsmanship impregnate the decorations in a play of lines and geometries that enhances the subtlety of simplicity, and the vast range of hues and colors available for each of the patterns makes Raphia the ideal collection to enhance the intrinsic beauty of any environment and style. Ez a kollekció érdekel Mintázatok megtekintése a gyártó oldalán
The desire of being surrounded by uncontaminated nature, of reliving heroic deeds and of recalling ancient prints of the past. The Macro collection has been created with the ambition of constantly evoking fascinating emotions day by day, offering a new collection of avant-garde wall covering, manufactured with a sophisticated technology, maintaining however the original value of the image proposed, giving the impression of an artistic engraving made by hand. Every colour present in the MACRO collection has been carefully selected in order to match perfectly with the image itself and to offer a harmonic set of chromatic values, suitable for a great variety of projects of interior decoration. Macro is an innovative collection of wall covering, unique of its kind, developed for a very specific purpose; offering the opportunity to create a luxurious atmosphere of exclusiveness. Ez a kollekció érdekel Mintázatok megtekintése a gyártó oldalán
SMOOTH AS … HARD AS … Metalsilk is an authentic and unique Collection in its genre. It reminds the brightness of the metal, the roughness of the raw stone and the kaleidoscope’s geometry, highlighting spaces and creating new surfaces. To light up and give a distinctive sign to the ambient. Ez a kollekció érdekel Mintázatok megtekintése a gyártó oldalán
FORCE OF NATURE It’s a collection inspired by the Nature itself and by the power of the warm and embracing colors of the Desert, the Earth, the Sand but also of the Ice and Snow. It is like if this Collection were born from the blow of the Wind that shapes the dune of the Desert and that gives birth to the canyon. So, here, have born veins and natural lines that give a sense of continuity and then they meet in geometries and damasks, as in a culture’s crossroad. The 7 Colors and the 7 designs, together with the sensational “touch” effect and the reflection of the light, enrich this Collection, perfect for whom desires to have a touch of naturalness in the ambience. Ez a kollekció érdekel Mintázatok megtekintése a gyártó oldalán
The fusion of natural elements has brought the result of perceiving something familiar and recognizable, with classical and contemporary contents . And this allows Alkimia to be what it is. Alkimia is directly inspired by the vegetal fibers and has a style mark that reproduces the embossed metals. The structure of the designs allows the light to generate variable intensities of the design, chromatic changes, and the perception of a materiality that makes the wall alive. Ez a kollekció érdekel Mintázatok megtekintése a gyártó oldalán
Discreet colors and minimal motifs are the trademark of Cinetic, the Texam Home collection designed to furnish any environment discreetly with an unmistakable touch, thanks to the eclecticism that distinguishes it. It is the style that reflects the identity in the roots of the individual, leaving it to emerge bursting through the noble patterns that make up the collection. Ez a kollekció érdekel Mintázatok megtekintése a gyártó oldalán
ALL THAT IS TRUE DOES NOT CHANGE IN ITS SUBSTANCE The past that merges with the present is a characteristic in today’s culture and Noble collection is constituted by a modern reinterpretation of classic references deeply rooted in time. All that is worth reappears regularly renewed keeping within its individual nature. Ez a kollekció érdekel Mintázatok megtekintése a gyártó oldalán
The great technical experience of Texam Home emerges disruptive in Raphia, the collection that most of all manipulates the structure of the yarns to give life to simple, yet wonderfully evocative patterns. The references to ethnic craftsmanship impregnate the decorations in a play of lines and geometries that enhances the subtlety of simplicity, and the vast range of hues and colors available for each of the patterns makes Raphia the ideal collection to enhance the intrinsic beauty of any environment and style. Ez a kollekció érdekel Mintázatok megtekintése a gyártó oldalán
The Raw collection is inspired by natural fabrics and it is made with original and extremely sophisticated techniques. The motifs that stand out in Raw wall coverings are the modern interpretation of antique decorations and impact scenarios, while the panels are digital reproductions of hand-painted works of art. The colors of the natural fibers, such as hemp, linen and jute, are mixed with new and trendy colors to give a unique style to the collection. Ez a kollekció érdekel Mintázatok megtekintése a gyártó oldalán
Another world. Inspired just from submerged lands, that hide shapes and colors, matter that is not available in the world. It is the source of inspiration from where REEF was created. REEF is a revolutionary collection both under the technical profile and aesthetical aspect. It has been possible to confer it the tactile and the visual appearance of the corals. In this way, we carried out, as decorative tool, a texture product, organic and natural. The designs are an essential contamination, a stylistic way to make familiar the decoration and to create variables. The coloring is basically influenced by the colors that pour out only in certain depths, with the various forms of static life of this other world. Ez a kollekció érdekel Mintázatok megtekintése a gyártó oldalán
An invitation to touching the simplicity of the light, just where the matter takes space in the shadow. An essential energy to caress and to share over the time. Because for a man, live the simplicity doesn’t mean to live the emptiness. With its wide range of colors and, unique and valued designs, TOUCH is a contemporary collection that perfectly espouses itself with a people-oriented Interior Design. We can easily imagine it, dressed both in a public or in a private, classical or modern, large or tiny place. Whatever is the place, TOUCH will tie with harmony, accuracy and strictness to every formal or informal space. TOUCH is the result of a decennial technical research of materials, facilitated by the consolidated and hand-crafted production experience and by a marked aesthetical sensitivity that, daily, blend together to give new avant-garde solutions, without compromising the high-level and rare quality, that you can perceive and live. Ez a kollekció érdekel Mintázatok megtekintése a gyártó oldalán
